
Fun-cil-i-ta-tor: . Pronunciation:  /fuhn-ˌ'sil-ə-tā-ter/ 
noun. Someone that facilitates fun. 

There is nothing quite like the relationship spark fueled by fun, new experiences with people you love. But for some reason, we too often let the fun-fire burn out. Or--even worse—we douse it with our repetitive, dull routines, driven to boredom and exhaustion by our busy, demanding lifestyles. I want to help you re-ignite your dating relationship and find new experiences to bring you and your special someone closer together. 

Let me funcilitate 6 customized dates for you, one for each of the next six months. The planning package is $125, which includes 2 face to face consultations, and the planning and packaging of 6 dates – start to finish. I can work with any budget. 

Contact me by email: or by phone: (801)661.6845.